You need more than fair, just and equitable tennis games. You need fair and just courts that are free from the apprehension of Bias. There is a fly In Sampras' water bottle. There is a fly on his shirt. It should be clean.

So, you wanted only a tennis and basketball Court only it seems to demonstrate fairness, justice and equity in the power of your great athleticism since, in your athleticism, you still need good calls, judges and referees if you will get the honors if you played by the rules; ya na undastand? But, it's not a white person molesting your son or white people. It's you and some dunce school Black or Brown and whiteish people who get excited about blood lust, the vein false feeling of authority in breaking the law and theft.  Why don't you write down a business name like maybe Mango Hot Pot(TM) for a sauce, soup mix or restaurant. For $60.00 and a little self belief, you could feel like A Real Jerk or a Mainsha. You act like you are so certain your son is going to reject you. Yet, what is it that you have done to be so confident that he could only reject you in public and while at work with client. ?    But, you act like North *merica is whiter than Europe or England and Wales and I  suppose it is as "white" is that badge of identity for the illiterate and linguistically challenged. The spiritually challenged also. You do not encounter this wall of illiteracy in England as many have travelled and can see how old the world really is with a Hadrian's wall commissioned by a Black emporer of Rome and you can just drive up and touch it.  Being "white" has starved you and the world of oxygen and  humanity that no matter what, you will now have to be blue a green even as Tump and Pince make history as the Presidential team that brought America into the wisdom and equality with other first world nations that have universal health care. Why should you be poor white Hillbilly scalawag Yanks to make Euro people feel good or, in your identity confusion a s "white" and American you think you are being independent; rather churlish actually. It's quite nice actually. You could call it Leititpeeland's Mango Hot Pot maybe and then you feel good!    What do White people owe you?  You are the one who is harassing, spitting and hurting Black people who play the piano and you are abusing police  authority in the argument that Loakes  or Johnston and Murphy shoes feel awkward to your poor ass nigga brain waves; the nigga who wears glasses but resents people who actually do work and the nigga who wants money and attention for some sense of power he needs to express in the lack of forgiveness for his sodomy at birth and it is all coming out at 70 years old in your gay manifestations as you never forgave at any time and you were never honest so the people around you who are trying to use you for money are killing you.       The issue here is that you will also need a good dentist.  However, many of you, in spite of your great honors struggle to believe after Mo Better Blues(the movie) that Miles Davis' father was a dentist and even if Michael Mann told you in a dvd called Collateral that you are equal enough as a low level drug dealer to be shot by a drug lord's assassin who flies in from Bogota or that you could be a cop, a DA or a cab driver, you still  fail to believe the fairness of the educational process if you were to work by the rules and play by the rules.  It's not very difficult actually.  The people in Newark had to learn also.  they killed an essay cheat who was plagiarizing Malcolm X at  NYU and then decided to riot and then many others were shot.   But, you are like the fool who believes nothing else in his short life span of 70 years as born in 1947 that everything follows a pattern as you pay people desperately to try and "will" other people to have illness although you are the diabetic drug addict who follows every fad and who does not believe wisdom is more powerful and fashionable than any fad.  Your pants hang down at 70 and you listen to gay hip hop music with voices that sound like fetuses in a bottle for those in arrested development who do not want to leave their father's cul De say with  air conditioning with some job and apartment offer to be independent and who will not respect a military father or retired cop father or ABM Brendon who understands a single cruiser with flatulence as you think any one who orders hot chocolate over 45 years old is diabetic but you cannot even digest any food normally you f#@$king wanker.  You drink and he does not as alcohol, as you may not understand it, breaks down into sugar in the body!   The reason why they call the strong drink "spirits" is because you will die if you entertain the strong drink too much and become nothing but a spirit.            In fact, it is rather simple.  Fais tu comprend?  What is it that you do not understand?   You want to seek independence by creolizing the law and hope that you will, once again, feel at home as if you could turn Algonquin Park as reverenced and appreciated by the Group of 7 and Tommy Thompson as God's awesome creation into a truck stop toilet or some beach hut in the West Indies with a broken toilet.  It does not work dat way! The  issue here is that an Algonquin Park photo or painting, rather, carries the same EQ as "How great thou Art" but you cannot see that the appreciation of Algonquin Park in a painting expresses the power of God's creative faculty in the same way that the word of God or the hymn expresses His reverence and also His creation and to deny one expression is to separate yourself from God with with negative weight especially if it is motivated by a hatred against adherants to the entire Christian faith while you purport your love for nature, history and art since if you love Buddhist art from a Buddhist artost but h Buddhism, you will generate such cultural pull in two directions as you do this and as it reverberates through society possibly by virtue of th media where many angry people work that you might a well commit a nuclear holocaust or a genocide in the awesome human power of your negation in fightin the purpose of the painter's painting where you cannot see your self and your nation living for more than one generation.  We know you are angry with God and the English but what does your granddaddy's finger in your... have to do with the English or a bible?  Maybe you should forgive David, Jesus or Joseph.  Ya na undastand?    It is the power of God's equity or did your grandfather not give you cash in your equity and you never called the police to say it happened some where between 1950-1968 before you shot him and went to Woodstock and you are still seeking societal compensation for your sex operation that you chose any hoo!!  Do you know wang fu?  Do you know Kung Fu? It does not seem to work if you are trying to hurt people and you are now recused  from your abuse of the Court and your sexuality.    Is your name low testosterone "Rabid Pilau" who refuses to honor some father in this world? what a F@#$ing jack off and an essay cheat from Brother Roberts!  You shamed the school and all of Highway 7 with your shit for brains.  You take 2 years to solve what a real graduate can solve in one motion written and served at four court dates!  So, F@#$ you!  Do you think people should die that your ego should live? Who are you?  Are you Mengele's dna with your need to see people die for your illiteracy and your ego? Who the f@#k are you?    Thank you for your visitation of evil on the earth after you left a Catholic School. It makes all the studies of the bible valuable and the word of God absolutely true. How is it that you are not missing any hand if you followed the VAder? Take off...Eh!    Thank you for your efforts but you better respect those people you killed with genuine education or just  bring more Chinese people who, when you tell them to wipe the church hard drive where they watch sex as a secretary and make the entire parish feel lousy, they wipe the hard drive with a tissue.  Now, how do you defeat a red light camera ticket?  You tell them you were at church watching sex with the church secretary and it will be withdrawn since you provided the court evidence to the contrary.   Yes; we need more genuine lawyers, doctors, teachers and engineers with amazing academic-ism and athleticism maybe since Charles of Bath is an excellent   rodeo rider and disco dancer;  rather!  He is staying alive without any more Saturday Night Fever but maybe he will have Saturday Night Live and he will go home by 11 O' Clock from the club after a little "Guh dance".   But, he can stay out all night on Friday night if he wishes.   Now, the beach hut with the broken toilet; that may be your origins but it is not the entire world as you would wish to make it with your arguing and nor is it indicative of West Indian culture or its place in the modern world at any time in history.   See Devon House.  See Port Royal.    There are some good Spanish bones in that Port Royal soil.  Donde Esta te comprende?     I prefer the Pegasus in Kingston or the Liguana Club. Do you understand?     Read a newspaper!  Read a beach photo.  Look! There is a law.  The next article will deal with the the Judicature Acts and establish that even the law of equity is a law in itself.  It is not a matter of personal fiction, taste or scalawag belief if you would just close your eyes and tap your toes three times, you would own all of Kansas.  Go weh!  


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The issue is a Black White bond in a need in a dance to the self extermination in a dying need for identity yet beige and brown are more helpful, purposeful ubiquitous concepts for Descriptive purposes in saving the mocking bird in the absence of decision to fully absorb a strong umbrella culture that provides self esteem in trois ou cinq ou sept verre de pepsi since without any education, you are just monkey see monkey do as media addicts, hoping to emulate the most assertive male or female figures you see and really this is what you may see in your House of Representatives and the Congress with individuals who are in office but under prepared to speak and say what they have to have calculated as far as 2 for 1.00 in France is better than 1 for $1.00 or life in France without formal education or just high school at $80,000.00 euros in an automated economy is better than self hatred for the majority of citizens enduring life in the North America at zero basic income but you could have authority to take your risk at the bank window with some sympathy for what is not being done by your wiser elected and capable while Heat (1995) is not economic policy ; a definitive sense of identity where the more definitiveness of any culture adopted or that is ubiquitous in the more central aspects of your life fills the vacuum but your raggedy vacuous culture will still fall apart along with your country if you dont respect the simplest animalian cultural equation of family. All animals do it but a cat or dog in a city has been dissociated from its nature and could live with anyone who would feed it but above the tree line with few people, it chooses survival which may mean a family of wolves but family. The issue is the need that white has for black but black beneath it; not African,Jewish,Egyptian, and equal or above it, the diffidence, to know anything other than hunt and gather or hunt, blockade, ransom and pirate which says your white culture determining its right to piracy in the determined self under education which becomes a determined independence but which is really a dependency on producing cultures which does not deny your manual dexterity but it does demonstrate a consistent presumption to just take what you want or need when you cannot understand how to do it on your own and you seem to want to kill a black; I mean a brown guy who cannot understand how the train driver patted him on the head when he was taking the bus or train to school but who seems shocked to see the same kid four months after graduation day in a Mcdonald's manager's uniform where his eyes say 'who do you think you will be' and the Brown guy says you told me I would be dead if I did not show my humility so how is he not every self under-educated train driver's son so now all Afro hair people now call themselves Samoan Amerindian or African or African Amerindian since every one the Eastern hemisphere pitys the fool; the Western hemisphere. Either way, basic income was economically mandatory as of 1936 and FDR is our socio-economic hero as he implemented the policy but he was put into a war contrary to his intentions for an independent and thriving America although isolated from the jealousy and rape of the Herodians who brought their Masters and Johnson with Playboy shortly after raping America's self sufficiency before the war and continually there afterwards with a leadership hired in its insufficiency to solve the equations so who is the fool; the fool or the fool who follows it? It seems this need you have for black with your white in a world where you used to say Yes Massah or ' Yes Sah' as much as a Brown dude is quite evident but where sometimes the people sitting with the Sah where just as brown as some of the brown people saying 'sah' with you. Let me get my Renault Megane. I'll be right back. So Dillinger would tell you to call your governor and tell him to use his executive powers to put in basic income at the state level for at least $40,000.00 per month basic income while the President can use his executive powers to put in another $40,000.00. Basic income is like a pool; a necessary lottery ticket where your return on many sales tax contributions across the average shopping day amongst the living activities of every human, every human family and every business entity; large or small is averaged out to ensure there is an average and sufficient amount of monies in every individual's hands to ensure a sufficient and average amount of consumption to ensure your economy expands and does not contract as with contraction, the buildings become empty, the neighbourhoods become empty and the towns die. The governor in his day in Minnesota turned out to be his cousin. About feeling like a King which is what you want whether or not every body was white as you say you would still want to feel it that is really your pirate dna asking for expression, you could pick acorns which is not really illegal now but it will be made illegal since you say you just really want to feel above the law. The issue is that in the love of America or Latin America as all human life matters and maybe to content those sick in Black and White but to benefit the one nation under God as we have all been victims, it seems the Brown people would content our national peace as ministers and servants of Shem and Japheth at 10 % less than the average citizen's basic income since for the love of God, it is not a sin to save a donkey or a nation that fell into the pit of black and white on the Sabbath but we do not want people who are Brown to have too much honor or authority in that they are willing to lay down 10% of their life but...we don't know what you are asking Doomo: doomo arigato gozaimasu.