
Showing posts from April, 2017

Diamonds are gay; when it comes to it, Diamonds do not help and nor do they solve problems. They take your money and you get no solution. Angels and good people help.

Christopher Reeve "Superman III" Interview on Johnny Carson

Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony from Yad Vashem 2017

NHK ~ Begin Japanology ~ Subways ~ [KWEENSPLIFF]

Erykah Badu "Apple Tree" Live at Java Jazz Festival 2012

Fresh (1994) Full Movie

The Inkwell 1994 Full Movie

There is a special dinner tomorrow morning at Glamys! Warren M. Washington.

I am now confirmed today on April 15th, 2017. Gol! FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid 1-2 All Goals and Extended Highlights 2003-0...

SAS: Rogue Warriors 2017 Documentary

To put it another way, if the machines are doing all the work and can do most of the service and teller or cashier jobs, how do you put enough money into the system to satisfy consumption?

The dawn of the end of North America...Honda owns GM...every dollar they earn or spend is accounted in Honda's books. In the video below, you see the grade level of the average CNN viewer. There is something more important at stake evidently and these average viewers are just the evidence of dna engineered by Catholic monks over 300 years in the West Indies and North America...something they figured out by the year 1430-1492...very compliant mice, monkeys and dogs...This dna is given authority but is being told to cut its own throat economically and to do something, maybe start a war, to feel authority....this dna also involves the English and the English politicians...orphan West Indian...1980's rock star and dirty video star...if the English speaking monkey people are so intelligent, why do they have no participatory remuneration? All the Oxford dons are citizens of Romania or Ireland where they collect $30000.00 euros tax free. The buildings in Washington and your politics are beckoning for the attention and approval of Europe. You monkeys, mice and dogs (Benjamin Franklin) did not and will not fire one missile...bums! Sort yourselves out mate!

The Truth About Coffee & Why it May Save Your Life


SNL April 1, 2017 | Saturday Night Live From Feb. 7, 2009: Bradley Coop...

SNL April 1, 2017 | Saturday Night Live Alec Baldwin / Ed Sheeran

Wheatley Documentary

Participatory Remuneration in China since 1980 at $(USD) 90,000.00 SNL April 1, 2017 | Saturday Night Live Scarlett Johansson / Lorde

Kevich Howley's favorite set. He likes the oreos but prefers the white cookies with the black icing or else he gets angry..something about black cookies getting attention!

Defected In The House Radio 08.02.16 Guest Heller

Heston Blumenthal In.Search Of Perfection -Chicken Tikka Masala

