
Hitler was part Jewish. Even if he pretended to be a Christian, it was only a facade. The fact that he was part Jewish killing Jews made him feel quite imminent but certainly demonic. The truth is, he could have read the Torah all day and looked at Picasso paintings in a local museum but the filming of life and death along with his nefarious, heathen colleagues became his pass time as a middle ranking German soldier from World War 1; sexo! They found film like a drug, stimulating oxytocin.  The machines did everything like make bread, shoes, clothing and candles.  Have you heard of the driverless Volkswagen in the 1930s and a plazma screen Tv in Germany from 1936?  This is German Ashkenazi  and German Anabaptist technology of blessings of abundance but how can it be that thou shouldst die for it in a lack of respect for the meaningfulness of human life as Marx said to the world in that you need to maintain the consumer( who is ultimately the worker) but the Americas and the English(the Nolbe-no other language but english) did not hear so they had wars to honor the American Christians who were so privileged and honored to see zyclon b and then borrow the balls of a southern black Christian castration with 100s of white or whiter war vet honorees  to have a family and raise a home again in a Christian atmosphere with church once a week with Monroe on the land of lakes spread  under the parents bed or in the shed after 1953 on the cover where you play boy since everybody had to be equal and understand wonder bread with Sears pret-a-porter(thats French). But how can you play boy when your wife and children need a fatherly covering as a husband and father.   You are naked with nothing to do and presumedly you are not ashamed.    You should just hire all the black people as God will honor you one way or the other; get it? There is a video of an SS soldier (SS were bread and raised to kill without conscience) drugged with lsd who drills his own skull when asked politely. Some black people have caught on to this variable of killing to feel authority as black people who kill other black or native people of varying shades and hue.  Some have gotten into killing black or native people who believe in education or a God.  You should only think of eating, they say, to the loss of safe communities.  The truth is, Hitler was a heathen following a psychology that said "God is dead" in Nietzsche's will to power. But, you could have a will to power in saying the "devil is dead" although you will be told by many he is alive along with Jesus. What positive change would come in saying the "devil is dead"?  There could be something momentous that might happen. It could empower or strengthen what people hold dear in raising families and children in safe environments, bringing a will to power that is an antithesis to the heathen and inhumane.  It is, however, certainly the schism and schematic of the decidedly anti-god to say "God is dead".   This meant kill everyone and everything that purports to believe in God and reduce it to nothing but mammon for the belly.  The belly was his God as a heathen.  If it Hitler was a real Christian or even a genuine claimant, he would not have killed any Jews. The truth is, once you see the war on film, you understand that something much more significant than one man's biblical confusion concerning who killed Christ is involved.   All of Europe is predominantly Catholic and have recited a creed while attending Matzah as most of the churches called it for 100's of years after Constantine adopted the faith. The creed is recited by Coptic, Catholic and Orthodox churches.  Mass was called Matzah up to the 17th century. Matzah means worship service in Hebrew. When did anyone wish to say the Jews killed Jesus when it was the Romans and some Assyrian Jewish converts supporting King Herod during an Assyrian occupation? Only the Romans struck the hammer and prepared the wood.  They could have decided, as they confirmed, to let  him go.  So, it wasn't the Jews(the children of Israel).    Secondly, Jesus chose to die when he would have been observant to know when to run away from crazy, angry, crew(love me for my skin) people who could not see Jesus kept saying " it is written.." for a reason.  It was written in the law and prophets but they did not have sufficient ancestral connection to the story of the Jewish people and maybe they did not just read it.  See Psalms 82.  See Deuteronomy 11.  They might have been related via Keturah but when He said they were children of God, they got angry and said they were children of Abraham but from what family?   Was it Keturah, Sarah or Hagar? They may have been children of Abraham and converts to Judaism  but they were not children of Jacob(Israel) who are architects of pluralistic, equanimous societies that treat all citizens like children of God as people treat others as they wish to be treated regardless of race. This is the Royal law. Societies with this equanimous foundation produce a lot of nice sodas and airplanes with good technology until it is infiltrated by those who are addicted to the "big" but not the efficient; as if being able to throw away food, children and resources is a sign of wealth and then it only buys 99.7 percent Samsung technology branded as a fruit so that your Asian counterparts can beat you to the patent office with your secure Apple(Asian) conversations. Asia is now J. Edgar Hoover right beside you as they hear and watch what you did last night. In any event, it is solid state technology and not a dead old landline vacuum tube technology phone.  It's a computer that is also a radio.  Do you know they teach courses on Wireless and cellular system engineering at community colleges? Get the computer program or App that allows you to follow any mobile device and also listen to any phone call made on a cellular device. What about call blocking?  Do you want a fortune cookie? Have you heard of June Plum?  Have you heard of Donahue and Stevenson?   The Assyrian converts seemed to like the authority aspect of the Sanhedrin but they did  not seem to have sufficient rooting and they were willing to kill for the authority. This is not the American drum leader that you want; a demon.  Now, most of them in the Americas regardless of original ancestry are 1/5 Arawak, 1/5 Hyderabad  orphan,  1/5 Puritan  1/5 (Italian, French or Spanish) and  1/5 black African of varying shades and afros  and hair texture after three world wars.  They are soo talented and so beautiful as  multi talented individuals who look how they look.  Sometimes they look like they are from Provence or originally from Cumbria or maybe somewhat from Africa or from Wisconsin sort of.  Some are steeped in the importance of feeling authority. Authority is good but what is wrong with recognizing trigonometry as an expression of Black history in that the the Egyptians(Black)  used it in Africa to build the pyramids? Is authority the same as feeling imminent, great and terrible? Can you be authoritative if you understand the rules concerning a vis major or force majeure?   Can you be authoritative if you understand the break down of sugar in the blood?  Do you know the bear Jew is an German Ashkenazi Jew from the Jewish Roman Diaspora in the first century AD?  
Hence, in the conflicts and polemics the Assyrian converts argued with Jesus all day about the right to save a life on the Sabbath in the principle known as the Pikuach Nefesh that there is no law against saving life; human or animal.  Hyderabad orphans don't seem to want to help anyone or save anyone and if you don't join them, they will work against you.  They consider you a threat if you are anyone who is not willing to do anything for cash to feed the belly? They kill first, hoping to scavenge.  But, who could be a teacher of Israel and argue about saving life?
 Jesus fled several times when they tried to take his life as a Rabbi.  Jesus could have run to Egypt one more time.  He could have taken a boat at night but instead he went to sit in Gethsemane. That was a choice to drink a bad cup of coffee for $1.99 with lysol in it or an std; a bitter cup.  Maybe you should take off.   Many Jews were asked to leave Germany and Poland by Jewish industrialists who left early. They could see something unusual happening but many of the people in certain communities only arrived a two generations before from places such as Guyana, including Jamaica, and North Africa and now fluent in Yiddish, German and other European languages depending on the country.  They had almost 5 years to flee before being interned at camps.  Many stayed.  Hitler did  not believe in a God and even if we say he did, he was evidently an unwitting variable in a larger calculation.  Hence, he stole artifacts from churches and any wealth that he could from any family that did not show its allegiance and loyalty to this heathenry.  So, who were the Nazis? Are they the Anabaptists and the A s h k e n a z i Jews of Germany( or an infiltrating minority that used a schematic to take ballot boxes and say whatever they want)? No they are not. Ashkenazi is derived from the name Ashkenaz, a son of Gomer who is a son of Japheth.   Maybe we should ask a nazi how they became a nazi.  The final account of two world wars affecting Europe was to ignore an Ashkenazi wisdom concerning economic  and industrial policy in the mechanized age as provided by Karl Marx; that being to safeguard the purpose of all economic activity in preserving the consumer  (formerly known as the worker or proletariat). A driverless taxi cab in 2016 reminds us once again as driverless cabs do not buy coffee, subway sandwiches or feed children; nor do they pay tuition or cab licence fees. They do not pay interest.   But, some cultures want to be able to beat and devalue another human being.  Is it the culture of a group of Hyderabad orphans brought to the west with its tendency to kill anyone who tries to mother or father them with loving discipline? There will always be "haves" and "have nots" but the ultimate goal should be that everyone is eating, sheltered and driving with varying degrees of techno chic (brand new up scale vehicle) or simple satisfaction with prayerful functionality(older non luxury vehicles). There is Dunkin and then there is Lavazza or hotel tea and coffee rooms. You can snub who you want. You can feel up and upper crust. There is TJ  Matzah, TJ Maxx or there is Bloomingdales.  There is the coffee barista earning $50000.00 per annum and then there are the barista customers and that could be a taxi driver in his meaningful existence as a human being.  Take good care of him or her.
Have you heard of Donoghue and Stevenson?  How did the Nazis become Nazis?

  Many Antichrists will come and evil  of great magnitude that resents covenant relationships and family could resurface in the modern era at any time in spite of the existence of an online bible, Torahs, bible studies and dictionaries. But, do people have the will to click it, open it and eat the word while eschewing the dehumanizing, less clad imagery of hell? Maybe they do hopefully.  I am going to watch a Diana Ross video; so dignified, so well dressed, so dignified.  Snow White was black!  David Duke and A. V. Dicey knows. They had six wives like this. If you were less fortunate and couldn't have it where you were way up in the mountains in Georgia as visually white with beards but called niger by the -Gone with the wind- types because the hill dwellers in the snowy capped mountains of Georgia had no education and lived off the land.  You might have wanted to propose to Snow white, all seven,  but they say you didn't have enough money to buy a family.  So then seven of them would take Snow White off the streets of Atlanta or any where they could find them.  They would take Snow White and do what ever they wanted, putting bruises on her and scratches all over your face while you would cook and work for them.  If you wanted it but couldn't have it, then they would kill it. Duke couldn't help himself when a chick has such Congo hips and bouncy presence and wants to give you -a tension- since she is afraid of not being accepted in her simple, plain humanity such that she can just eat as a baker or seamstress. A machine, an iron seamstress, made her redundant.  Do you pay fees at a golf course for the privilege in the year 2016 to see the management break rules while your community at large ostracizes  you for not fighting the club?  You have already written a letter to indicate you are not related and that you recognize the mess that it is.  In the end, you had Snow White's  children with all of her saliva in your penile tissue and her yeast in your gut when you put it in your wife and you let Snow White have some children as well.  Look at those eyes!   You have worked hard.  It's that time to sit back. Here' s to you; Miller beer!  The best delivery mechanism for an atmospheric surgical nuke with a timer may be the messenger pigeon since it will not give off any radio signals like the smallest of drones that fly faster than a bird and in straight lines.  You should not stifle yourself worrying about the honor. It is your honor as the whiter 1/4 Arawak. But, this is how Europeans laugh at you as you do anything to be first at the front lines..for the honor.  You should have told your sister to put your friend's saliva or seed inside of her so you would not have to abort and be so guilty about the abortion that you would have die for the natural law in you(it's in you) and you don't know how to shake the feeling you have with the turmoil and guilt; so go to the front lines again for the honor.  The Europeans don't need to help you any longer in Iraq to see if God will come if you turn over some other world heritage sites other than Israel. See your flying machines with faces as written in the book of Revelations as they flew over Israel and Megiddo in the battle of Megiddo.  Do you know Reddit? Do you know Donoghue and Stevenson?  God waited until 1918 until you had photography, the air-planes with machine guns and cameras so you would not keep asking whether the Revelations is true and you would have filmed evidence.  How is the bionic knee cap after Afghanistan? Let's have some Shawarma in Connecticut or Charleston.I don't think you hear what I am trying to say to you?    Do you get any less honor if everyone employed is less black with a technically d average? If you have all the honor and can decide who is hired, then you can decide who is promoted and you can look good no matter what. Are you afraid that they might say you committed a war crime or do you want them to say that?  Are you afraid he will reproduce? He is old and maybe he will, but so what?  Are you trying to say you are Louis the 14th's without any education to help you filter your kingly dna's emotions? DNA in diseases carry paradigm and emotions; usually the mind and emotions of the individual in which the disease formed. This happens with Stds and adeno viruses. by now, it's in the people and they have become a bit illogical. You don't even know why you feel compelled to pass it on at the Burger King or McDonalds.   You have no guarantee that the dead head will speak. Clinton already said he was sorry and he thought Springsteen made a mistake when he said he was born in the U.S.A. so Clinton took on a presumption of authority. He is a Duke. Do you know David?  The enemy was identity conflict. Il est tres conflit a dire  "Je suis blanc."  Il est tres mal.  Je comprend? Quelle est le nationalite?  Est le vrai ou liberte blanc ou noir?   Quelle est noir dans la egalite?

You want this: 1946

Instead of this: Dramatization of 1943 


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