So, the last 60 or more years was the old world Europe's final examination of the new world and it understanding of energy; both economic and technological. Why is it that a Chevy Cruze looks like a Chevy Cruze and not a Vauxhall Astra or a 2015 Chrysler 200? England and the U.K. were in a position to lead but seemed to follow. Oppenheimer was a good lecturer in the Manhattan project but the evidence in Oppenheimer's diaries and work demonstrates that the nuclear technology was developed in Germany.

So, the last 60 or more years was the old world Europe's final examination of the new world and it understanding of energy; both economic and technological. Why is it that a Chevy Cruze looks like a Chevy Cruze and not a Vauxhall Astra or a 2015 Chrysler 200? England and the U.K. were in a position to lead but seemed to follow. Oppenheimer was a good lecturer in the Manhattan project but the evidence in Oppenheimer's diaries and work demonstrates that the nuclear technology was developed in Germany. The Wright brothers were credited with the discovery of the airplane only so that you, as North Americans, would believe you were in some position,technological or otherwise, to help Europe when they say "..I want to know if you can help me." and if you go to help, you will see the charade that you are in. The lesson is that infrastructure such as roads and trains with few borders and lots of venues for commerce facades and apologizes for inefficiencies in the use of Energy but does not do anything more than "bandaid" the arguments until you have a Terminator to bring a judgement day that leads to, if everyone grows up, an Independence day and you ask why? Why did the founding American fathers leave tyranny or something illogical?  They might have to leave again and consider their people's worth.  They are worth as much as any non-self loathing European White Mongol Pict in Mallorca or Paris and they are worth as much as any non self -loathing Asian mongol where in either case without the loathing in Europe and Asia, they respect the mathematics of highly automated economies and provide their populations a basic income.  A Black man or a Navajo emigrates to Spain , Sweden, Germany or Japan, he has the value and the Brit Milah love and receives  the participatory remuneration or basic income.   You can certainly play Mozart and you will be appreciated in Boston with great applause but your economics and social policy say you exist as a population of self devaluation to confirm Europe's superiority and your chosen inferiority. I think they call you native or Navajo; something like that. The war against you at the turn of the century began when you called yourself Black and White. Have you understood that the goal for Europe essentially was not whiter but Bugs Bunny( a banjo and the Barber of Seville) or Cotton Club? There is a machine called Custer that is targeting Native but his mother was native and while his head is still ticking, he is being asked to believe that he will get up if he says to himself all the natives are dead or deaf; science fiction? She blinded me with science. Michal is fighting the covenant with peace. She wants too keep any civilization open for her assimilation. She began with Rehoboam; the son of Solomon and asked that he give space to her predilections with a temple dedicated for the sexy purpose. It said "Me first; me me me; not the covenant" just as she told King David. Rehoboam resisted and it seems Michal found someone to cooperate and make the deal; Jeroboam who allowed two Egyptian temples but really they were "Me" or Michal temples. This denominator of "Me" vs.the covenant and the peace and the people/community is seen in much of North American culture today and without the balance. Europe found the balance. North America asked Russia or the USSR if they knew they got it right the first time when automation became a phenomena. It was never an ideological discussion but a trigonometric or physics discussion with socio-economic application as to the balance of energy and the requisite transfer to ensure continuity of a system. The USSR might have continued but maybe without the comrade tribalism lingo if they put enough cash in to the people after selling raw materials, energy and finished goods produced by automation. America's "me" freedom and the glitter glove of the Jackson Ambassadors with Elvis is hard to overcome in an argument. Say cheese for Hollywood but it is not necessarily trigonometric economics with fixed rules as to energy saved in automation and energy and efficiency gained in human displacement from the industrial production process necessitating an energy transfer to the people,the consumers, who are the wiring, conduits and conductors for energy transfer back to the economic producers. We see that you don't care if your English people have multi generational legitimacy or any interest in Hadrian's great wall. Any people will do you say but it seems that you can't make Opium rich, oil rich or "participatory monies" nations a back up for DSS that people have to find an old Turk, Iranian or Chinese person who owns two restaurants at Turnpike Lane to help them. When it comes time to fight the aliens from from Mars, what will you say to all of these foreign populations while you are certainly borrowing their communal monies and participatory remuneration in the hands of their people to fill the gap in your economy in what you fail to respect as a perfectly trigonometric answer in the economics of automation while you make immigration a political football but confirm your dependence on foreign investment which is really your dependence on foreign economies and populations that have basic income. You could build a larger building that houses both public and private tenants since you don't have the height restrictions concerning St. Paul's any longer. Knock down one building out of the three on the estate. Build one timeless high rise for public and private use and just renovate the other two.

There are good men in this world who do not get enough credit so I would like to say thanks to Mr. Knight in grade 7 who made us read Courage by John F. Kennedy and every one got a chance to discuss what they learned.

So, we can see that Mephibosheth did not argue about Moses' miracles  but in the beginning of the last days, we see Mephibosheth and Michal wanted to argue about the power of the covenant. It is Peace. They want to be put in a position, position, position over this covenant and say one of three things:

1.   I need to be the only one as said by King Saul and you see that these individuals are usually unable to have children;
2. Whatever, he cooked, built or designed or whatever his prayer manifested in  natural authority, I will be and I will do it just like Mephibosheth must have chased after David emotionally and just as Herod and  the Sanhedrin, his Herodians, chased after Jesus; and
3.  Judas says he will die last just as Judas betrayed and sabotaged Jesus for the worship of Mephibosheth in the spirit of Cain.  The story of Judas and Jesus is just like the story of Cain and Abel.

This is the mystery of our faith resolved. They say there is a mystery because there is an answer; hence all the prophets.  But, the prophets are really just good students like Shadrach Meeshah and Abednego; the average student of Israel but very helpful to the second Babylon that was prone to say " I don't understand; how can this be?" in that they would kill you dead if you are able to clarify the simplicity of relationship in  covenant with the one God; something that Cain rejected and that Michal also rejected forthe notion of position. But, everybody has a position. One man plants the seed; one waters it but God brings the growth. One is the eye and another is the ear and one is the kick and everybody works together to defend peace in the Brit Milah.  Hence; it is you!   Mephibosheth and Michal re-branded as the new Babylon turned everything into a mystery except the pyramids and Moses parting the red sea.  It's a mystery especially if it involves submission to  the House of Israel since their intention is the First King of Israel or the House of Saul.     It could be that she respected one truth; that Hammurabi(see his code), the Pharaohs of Egypt ( see the Egyptian book of Life)  and Moses and the 12 elders of the tribes of Israel( see the ten commandments) are all related to Noah.

Now, Lot and Noah may have known some cave dwellers. They are among us and seem to want to piggy back the progress of God and man in his human story.  When man is taking a small step for man but a giant step for mankind, the Tubal Cains, the cave dwellers or troglodytes wish to turn the story of progress into one that will spin on their one virtue which may not be hearing God but hearing where in the cave they can get a break through. To keep this authority alive, this becomes a matter of blocking people; only hoping that they will join the culture  that feeds on a different musical chord that resonates not on the ten commandments of peace but on war, intimidation and power that you might join them and live in a brokenness of the ten commandments with some act that must be committed,  they say, that you might eat in the brokenness. It manifests also in the church culture the blocking as they are breaking you until you come to the altar to get a break through. This is not God but a #$!!@# troglodyte  mind over and over again that you will your authority as the mud eaters of the earth. What is wrong with multiplication that faith and unity offers and the greater things that we can do?   Rob your neighbor and then we can trust you and they will try to hold you ransom until you do as they ask who do you think you will be? How can you not join us? How can you leave us? How can I touch a dead human being you mean? Whatever that is in the secret can exist within the Brit Milah that includes  the Anglican  version of peace if you want as it piggy backs the Brit Milah but the logic of basic income, also known as participatory monies, in an aggressively efficient automated economy must be respected while there will always be people for whom a used 2016 Honda Pilot or Civic will not be enough. They need the Rover, Jag or Bentley R.

Anyone can be transferred from the dysfunction of Cain to the blessing of Abel by agreeing with the blessing of a covenant that says God is the God of the spirit of all flesh. Cain received the offer but did not partake.   Try this in any language or construct for worship. There are those who worship the one God in spirit and in truth in any religion that references the one God like Hinduism or Islam. Who is a Muslim but they that worship Him in spirit and in truth whose fathers and prophets include Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Do you know June Plum? Do you know Ishmael?  You should be all over the world SO DO  NOT HIDE; the salt and light of the world.      But, in either case if you are a true convert you are not worried about association to another human being based on complexion. There are Black Muslims and Hindus and also Black Christians and Catholics all over the world.  Have you heard of St. Augustine?  Anyway, you heard it said that you should not call any man your father except your father in Heaven but now in this new and continuing dispensation of grace, you should not call anyone the son except but Christ in Heaven.  There are too many angry people in this world.

The end.

So, when do we come back and do this again?

By Warren Augustine Lyon.


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