See Oswald Archer naked here as a Dutty Bookman clone! Click here to see your photo! So, the people who worked and lived at the back of the plantation are still anxious for authority in 2017 in the uh household and will do anything to divide it if the person with whom they live read a whole book, graduated from university or chose to believe that God does really exist or that law is good for everyone and it is! They play games now with people to divide other people's households just like they did at the back of the plantation, trying to keep people out of covenants; Adam and Eve games to adulterate the union or household such as suggesting to a young woman who is about to have a husband that she should believe her husband who is working with the local doctor should help her in her business making candles but that she should not help him in his business endeavor to become the second white or whiteish (notice the surroundings where this word is used at the back of the plantation in the West Indies where they did not have enough Black slave owners per capita between 1650 and 1833) ex-slave qualified to wear a stethoscope along with four afroeurasians studying with him and then nothing ever really happens and she loses her business as a result while he finds a new wife as a result of her habit of sabotage and hindrance. They also show up and tell the eldest boy that his mother is not really his mother and that he is just adopted just after his best football game in his high school career and that he should think of.....? This is to divide the household but the people who suggest these things to other Afroeurasian people in Denver etc are just 'Back of the plantation' people who want to see who will follow them as they try to bring hurt but, more importantly, the question is who will follow people like this? Are you 'front of the plantation' where you read master's books in his library and sat with him at the table for a few minutes where he explains there is a Afroeurasian slave owner down the road and that you should believe in God? Also, notice that about 300 years passed between Christopher Columbus reaching North America and the West Indies and George Washington's inauguration. There is a new reconciliation project taking place in the United States to restore and reverse errors and historical recordings as to the identities of various figures of note or those less noteworthy to life the burden of microcosmic West Indian ignorance.

So, the people who worked and lived at the back of the plantation are still anxious for authority in 2017 in the uh household and will do anything to divide it if the person with whom they live read a whole book, graduated from university or chose to believe that God does really exist or that law is good for everyone and it is!   They play games now with people to divide other people's households just like they did at the back of the plantation, trying to keep people out of covenants; Adam and Eve games to adulterate the union or household such as suggesting to a young woman who is about to have a husband that she should believe her husband who is working with the
local doctor should help her in her business making candles but that she should not help him in his business endeavor to become the second white or whiteish (notice the surroundings where this word is used at the back of the plantation in the West Indies where they did not have enough Black slave owners. Dutty Bookman had whiteish children in t generations and, like him, they were tought to imagine what you think your life should be like  and try to bring it to pass. He imagined that his father should be white and that anyone who could teach should be white but Blacks can study but not attain like he was tought. Clearly, there was an insufficient number of Black slave owners per capita between 1650 and 1833). But, the whiteish husband from the back of th plantation in the south as an ex-slave
qualified to wear a stethoscope along with four
afroeurasians studying with him and then nothing ever really happens and she loses her business as a result while he finds a new wife as a result of her habit of sabotage and hindrance.  He encountered a more negative and backward expectations among the West Indians who immigrated up the Missouri River secretly with their foreign and more monkey expectation of the Black people; as they called themselves. But, the American ex slaves just called themselves American. But, WEB Dubois was told to use the nomenclature of Black and White and was harassed for it while the book is is testament to the world in America of Americans who attained their potential with no other or unlawful Real American expectation. Now, the White and Black slave owners set up free libraries with books all over the country so you have no excuse to have a vendetta against the world or "those people" for partaking at the table of brotherhood as Native American men; not polarised opposites as Black men and White men. Turn off the trash compactor in cell bay 4 C3PO! I'm native C3PO but I don't mind being a jar head although we do need those droids and some basic income like the Japanese to buy a good Japanese vehicle; I mean a McDonalds Kia or a Ford vehicle built on a Mazda or Toyota platform; innit C3PO and don't forget Oswald Archer is a Dutty Bookman clone; innit?  I don't know any Rawand...oh yes I do. His daughter was shot for using a Native Amerindian's essay so that she might be equal!    They also show up and tell the eldest boy that his mother is not really his mother and that he is just adopted just after his best football game in his high school career and that he should think of.....?   This is to divide the household but the people who suggest these things to other Afroeurasian people in Denver etc are just 'Back of the plantation' people who want to see who will follow them as they try to bring hurt but, more importantly, the question is who will follow people like this?  Are you 'front of the plantation' where you read master's books in his library and sat with him at the table for a few minutes where he explains there is a  Afroeurasian slave owner down the road and that you should believe in God?  Also, notice that about 300 years passed between Christopher Columbus reaching North America and the West Indies and George Washington's inauguration.    There is a new reconciliation project taking place in the United States to restore and reverse errors and historical recordings as to the identities of various figures of note or those less noteworthy to life the burden of microcosmic West Indian ignorance.


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