How can you dishonor Abraham and his many children with this nonsense about complexion? It is just nonsense. But, you did preach a good sermon about rending your hearts; not your garments! Read more!

So, the miracle of the Polemic of Jesus' life is best seen in Matthew 5:17. They seemed to have had no difficulty with the healing and the industrial automation where he made 5 loaves and two fish in 7 minutes. They seemed to mind the teaching and the incisive understanding of the law and the prophets. He was such a nice man and very miraculous with his cost saving methods and the automation such that  maybe Dr. Diesel and Dr. Porsche at the original Volkswagen are modern victims of this Babylonian and Herrodian occupation on the technological side but seen more readily in Herrodian occupation on the quiet reflection of natural law and domestic peace as reflected in the Hebrew and Aramaic teachings in the Torah as seen in the various collections and you can see them in the bible. The Herrodians could have occupied Rome after Constantine adopted the Church and there is something wholesome that panics Babylon. What if Quaker Cereal has come to panic Babylon although it never panicked the Babylonian among us before? It could be that the Babylonian in your established church also will not rest unless your coffee at church functions has disease where the coffee is just as dirty as her mobile phone's video collection. Quaker Cereal has to join her also and every second shipment has a fungus in it where you wife is likely to accuse you of cheating if you eat it or if she eats it. So, now if you say as a Catholic that Jesus and all the saints should not inspire anyone to design a T -shirt called Cristobal(TM) or Respicio(TM)  what are you really doing to your neighbor, his vehicle and your children after church service on Sunday?  Well maybe the Emeror of Rome is your God indirectly or accidentally since you attend for association more than reverence. It is a venerable organisation as prophesied by Christ to Peter. But, if that I all you have in your heart, then respect Jesus as the centurion's Rabbi and see that power and creativity. Then respect Rome's decree that as an empire respecting Judaism, they know men can do great things...the levitical laws of cleanliness made Rome possible. Respect your accidental God's achievements in building and building to bring amasement (see Pont du Gard) to every conquered people...that we can do all things with Rome who taught me to believe it or we can say that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and now we see that; yes! The faith in Christ as the fulfillment of a prophecy is the Roman's extension of his Judaic beliefs. Remember that the prophecy of a Messiah is not a Christian prophecy but a Judaic, Hebrew prophecy. Now, what are going to do with that or should we look for a Messiah along with the second coming at the same time for another 2000  years? Something is going on! What are you afta mate? Now, if a Church with about a billion members can produce two or more members who cannot believe the creativity of one other member o the church and we God has no color, then there is a failing in this most honorable, celebrious and reverent Catholic ministry. What should we do with the members who cannot believe Rome's or Christ's power to inspire a member of the Roman Catholic Christian Church to do and to create?  What is the name of this television station? So Fa+-_K Off as said in my best Catholic French; innit? 


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