Click here for the video! IKEA Concept Kitchen 2025 Donald and our Basic income future! IT is just that Exomobilefuelibean may have been a safe place for Arawakibeans as a nation within the larger America as to also hold America ransom as a kind of fuel union or trade union or co op of sorts but they cannot vent their anger on Asia when they feel lousy while demonstrating their authority and control over America in their lack of compassion and understanding of their real triumph which is the distribution network; not the dirty and tremendously expensive fuel over which they do not have an entire monopoly any longer but importantly, they could save trillions in taking a monopoly so to speak over the new hydrogen and the propane that they already sell in the trillions of dollars so what ever troglodyte they are following in the resistance of change is probably someone they buried in a cave who is eating crude oil but who was told to hold a copy of the King of England's scepter and Crown so that he would feel violated and all of America would feel like something has ruled them or taken authority over them as in holding them and their quiet culture ransom so the issue is that while you vent on Asia to feel big and starve your people of basic income and refuse to accept it yourself to feel independent of America in your culture, you chose, for too long, to also rely on Asian basic income recipients to immigrate to America to stoke consumption while who could turn the power off at all of your gas stations except but America and then in your angers against an Anglo 5th generation West Indian American High School graduate who, as a teller, you think ripped you off at the bank window in 1913, you would rather kill them all if the graduate; kill them all generation after generation since maybe someone, you imagine called you a fool or illiterate and he was white and you are uh white and you would refuse $60,000.00 usd per annum before you would accept it and work with your people communally and cooperatively since you already have the network and favor and own a small bank to hold your election winnings to just go down the road, two of you, and get finance to buy a building which is now currently empty and you could get the finance to buy it so to excite yourselves as trillionaires, you could put your trillions in a 5 year T bill and see how you do on basic income alone; you reach...big up! Since now you know where you come from! Ah you!
IKEA Concept Kitchen 2025 Donald and our Basic income future! IT is just that Exomobilefuelibean may have been a safe place for Arawakibeans as a nation within the larger America as to also hold America ransom as a kind of fuel union or trade union or co op of sorts but they cannot vent their anger on Asia when they feel lousy while demonstrating their authority and control over America in their lack of compassion and understanding of their real triumph which is the distribution network; not the dirty and tremendously expensive fuel over which they do not have an entire monopoly any longer but importantly, they could save trillions in taking a monopoly so to speak over the new hydrogen and the propane that they already sell in the trillions of dollars so what ever troglodyte they are following in the resistance of change is probably someone they buried in a cave who is eating crude oil but who was told to hold a copy of the King of England's scepter and Crown so that he would feel violated and all of America would feel like something has ruled them or taken authority over them as in holding them and their quiet culture ransom so the issue is that while you vent on Asia to feel big and starve your people of basic income and refuse to accept it yourself to feel independent of America in your culture, you chose, for too long, to also rely on Asian basic income recipients to immigrate to America to stoke consumption while who could turn the power off at all of your gas stations except but America and then in your angers against an Anglo 5th generation West Indian American High School graduate who, as a teller, you think ripped you off at the bank window in 1913, you would rather kill them all if the graduate; kill them all generation after generation since maybe someone, you imagine called you a fool or illiterate and he was white and you are uh white and you would refuse $60,000.00 usd per annum before you would accept it and work with your people communally and cooperatively since you already have the network and favor and own a small bank to hold your election winnings to just go down the road, two of you, and get finance to buy a building which is now currently empty and you could get the finance to buy it so to excite yourselves as trillionaires, you could put your trillions in a 5 year T bill and see how you do on basic income alone; you reach...big up! Since now you know where you come from! Ah you!
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