You can now rent Butter magazine(TM) or Butter Channel(TM) for $1000.00 per day and utilize the trademark any way you wish. If you need the business name registered, I am happy to help. You can run your company or business in an associated name such as 'Butter Magazine(TM) Trademark licensee project A' etc.... Did you know Catholic high School graduates are subject to the laws of the state involving other Catholics? Did you know Warren A. Lyon is a Catholic. Well. they are subject to the laws involving all citizens but every four years, there is a new set of graduates who believe they can do whatever they want and the church will cover their crimes against the state so long as they confess. While the church does not provide any such protection, they usually go to jail and understand that the church does not aid and abet criminal activity contrary to popular belief. Let me show you what the church is doing around the world every day of the week in church services coming up next on Butter Channel(TM). Al Capone wrote a story not unlike Bronx tale and said get two educations in his own way. Go! Do something!

You can now rent Butter magazine(TM) or Butter Channel(TM) for $1000.00 per day and utilize the trademark any way you wish.  If you need the business name registered, I am happy to help.  You can run your company or business in an associated name such as 'Butter Magazine(TM) Trademark licensee  project A' etc....   Did you know Catholic high School graduates are subject to the laws of the state  involving other Catholics?  Did you know Warren A. Lyon is a Catholic. Well. they are subject to the laws involving all citizens but every four years, there is a new set of graduates who believe they can do whatever they want and the church will cover their crimes against the state so long as they confess. While the church does not provide any such protection, they usually go to jail and understand that the church does not aid and abet criminal activity contrary to popular belief. Let me show you what the church is doing around the world every day of the week in church services coming up next on Butter Channel(TM).   Al Capone wrote a story not unlike Bronx tale and said get two educations in his own way.  Go! Do something!


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