We Do not need Natives dishonoring Natives in the dishonor of a distant or close ancestor! Arawaks seem to fight habitually the last will and intention while they ask '..why can't I have it?' like an apostate 10 year old who is asked to stand on the rostrum and hand flowers to an old lady who was the church pianist and then the 10 year old turns and asks in front of the whole church if she could have them for herself. What do we get when that 10 year old child becomes a maleficent in the post office or in the police services. He cannot be trusted! The property always remains in a resulting trust for the benefit of the beneficiary. Most real ARawaks do not find this stupidity in their souls except for those who are mixed with an African White monkey dna in some unusual dna project. Bibbly Blare knows.

We Do not need Natives dishonoring Natives in the dishonor of a distant or close ancestor!  Arawaks seem to fight habitually the last will and intention while they ask '..why can't I have it?' like an apostate 10 year old who is asked to stand on the rostrum and hand flowers to an old lady who was the church pianist   and then the 10 year old turns and asks in front of the whole church if she could have them for herself.   What do we get when that 10 year old child becomes a maleficent in the post office or in the police services. He cannot be trusted!  The property always remains in a resulting trust for the benefit of the beneficiary.  Most real ARawaks do not find this stupidity in their souls except for those who are mixed with an African White monkey dna in some unusual dna project. Bibbly Blare knows.


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