You are a child of Abraham but you don't lead the world. You follow the world and its illiteracy about white and whiter. What do you think we should do if his progeny outnumbers the sand on the sea shore and there is soo much illiteracy in the world as predicated by the enemies of God and Israel itself? Is Israel leading or following on these issues but certainly Israel as a the genetic nation regardless of color and as the further progeny of Abraham is ameliorating the issue. The truth is that the worst thing in this world is a graduate or student of any school with the name Saint or Bishop who never read the Saint's or the Bishop's testimony but who also works to destroy the Saint's or the Bishop's testimony during attendance or afterwards whether not they graduated or failed to do so. How could you graduate if you plagiarized another human being's work?

 You are a child of Abraham but you don't lead the world. You follow the world and its illiteracy about white and whiter.  What do you think we should do if his progeny outnumbers the sand on the sea shore and there is soo much illiteracy in the world as predicated by the enemies  of God and Israel itself?  Is Israel leading or following on these issues but certainly Israel as a the genetic nation regardless of color and as the  further progeny of Abraham is ameliorating the issue.  The truth is that the worst thing in this world is a graduate or student of any school with the name Saint or Bishop who never read the Saint's or the Bishop's testimony but who also works to destroy the Saint's or the Bishop's testimony during attendance or afterwards whether not they graduated or failed to do so. How could you graduate if you plagiarized another human being's work?   


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