Look into Jesus' eyes: Jesus is a Palestinian aboriginal born in his homeland that was suffering an occupation by a foreign Roman power and He had to deal with a foreign ruler who was also an aboriginal born in Britannia that was his homeland also suffering foreign rule and occupation under the Romans. You need to submit your ego to the personality of Jesus who picked up His cross, denied himself and followed the Holy spirit so that He could evade Herod the 1st and the 2nd and teach you something. The Second Herod was born in Palestine but this did not make him a Jew in his heart. Jesus was the Rabi school graduate among 50 graduates. His authority was not political and nor did he intend to seek political authority while Herod was the appointed one of the occupying Roman Levitical reading and propagating people who were occupying Herod the 1st's and ancestral home land. Herod the 2nd was born in Syria. He is not demeaning you as the only begotten son who was approved by the Father like Abel was approved in whom the Father is well pleased. To join Him is to have His approval and to deny there is any righteousness in you as separate from the Father. He is like the centurion; a man under orders and approved thereby the order giver just as Abel was approved since if you too do what is right will you not too be accepted? Abel heard and followed. Cain did his own thing but was offered a chance to also hear and receive approval since it is not Jesus' will that is being done but the will of the Fathah.

Look into Jesus' eyes: Jesus is a Palestinian aboriginal born in his homeland that was suffering an occupation by a foreign Roman power and He had to deal with a foreign ruler who was also an aboriginal born in Britannia that was his homeland also suffering foreign rule and occupation under the Romans.    You need to submit your ego to the personality of Jesus who picked up His cross, denied himself and followed the Holy spirit so that He could evade Herod the  1st and the 2nd and teach you something. The Second Herod was born in Palestine but this did not make him a Jew in his heart. Jesus was the Rabi school graduate among 50 graduates. His authority was not political and nor did he intend to seek political authority while Herod was the appointed one of the occupying Roman Levitical reading and propagating people who were occupying Herod the 1st's and ancestral home land. Herod the 2nd was born in Syria.    He is not demeaning you as the only begotten son  who was approved by the Father like Abel was approved in whom the Father is well pleased.  To join Him is to have His approval and to deny there is any righteousness in you as separate from the Father. He is like the centurion; a man under orders and approved thereby the order giver just as Abel was approved since if you too do what is right will you not too be accepted?  Abel heard and followed. Cain did his own thing but was offered a chance to also hear and receive approval since it is not Jesus' will that is being done but the will of the Fathah.   


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