This is what we do with the Pict natives who purport to be running the English speaking commonwealth world! They are just the Roman dogs created to shield the real Royalty of Europe from the shame and evil of killing people for hegemony as they say the English have ALL the authority and are therefore responsible for what is happening to natives in Venezuela; right? But, all the fear of being rejected by God melts away when you do what is right as you claim to be the fathers of all the native people in the world as a Native Pict Catholic from England or French. See the picture below! Now you may see something violent or something loving and affectionate depending on whether your mother who is 99 years old got her basic income in her bank account at a minimum of $2500.00 per month and she will continue to get it until the day of her death. The violent photo involves her doing a 7th reverse mortgage on her old home up in Montana or the NWT and she is not native. But, if she is native, she gets $2000.00 pcm and if she is from Manitoba she gets $2500.00 pcm and if she is from de Laurentians, she gets $3000.00.


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