Warren A Lyon. See his law firm at www.greenfieldurban.blogspot.ca. You could call anyone but he was able to help Chisolom and two others get out of DUI offense! He is just the file manager and will ensure good quality and that your file is managed well! A free "book page" analysis is included that helps you understand your scenario and it is provided from his consulting firm( a separate entity). You also receive a consulting service library membership. There is no liability to members much like any other library. His Consulting firm's mandate is to ensure the due process of law and the rule of law; not a bad mandate eh? The Law firm is a separate entity. Please see www.greenfieldurban.blogspot.ca.

Warren A Lyon. See his law firm at www.greenfieldurban.blogspot.ca.  You could call anyone but he was able to help Chisolom and two others get out of  DUI  offense!  He is just the file manager and will ensure good quality and that your file is managed well!   A  free "book page" analysis  is included that helps you understand your scenario and it is provided from his consulting firm( a separate entity).  You also receive a consulting service library membership. There is no liability to members much like any other library.    His Consulting firm's mandate is to ensure the due process of law and  the rule of law; not a bad mandate eh?  The Law firm is a separate entity.  Please see www.greenfieldurban.blogspot.ca.    


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